Happy Birthday To Me
Yeah, that's right, it's my birthday. Now shut up about it. Most people look forward to their birthdays, but not me. As we've established countless times, I'm nuts. I'm not sure when this happened. When did celebrating the day that the world was lucky enough to have me in it become a day of dread? I don't want to get into too much psychoanalysis today. Suffice it to say, that instead of enjoying the fact that I have a nice life and managed not to have a coronary for another year, I focus on the negative and throw a little pity party.
This is not an attractive attribute in a grown man and this year I'm working on not being an ass. "Wife" and "Daughter" know my insanity and choose to ignore it. "Daughter" did ask me why I'm always mad on my birthday. I couldn't answer, and it made me think. I want her to enjoy things, so I should try to set a good example. There are years of weirdness that need to be examined to find out what makes me the way I am. I don't have that kind of time, so I'll just have to start making changes from this point.
I have had a good year. We moved to a beautiful house, I'm closer to friends and family, and "Wife" still hasn't wised up and left me, so things are rosey. Sure things may not always go the way I want, but what makes me so special? This is my day and I'm going to try to enjoy it.
I know this hasn't been a very hilarious read, but that's the way it goes sometimes. I will tell you this. I read this morning that someone stole Jerry Garcia's toilet. That made me laugh. I don't admire anyone so much that I would want to own their toilet. I'm sure there is a joke about shitty music in there somewhere, but I don't want angry Deadheads trance dancing in my driveway. I bet whoever stole the toilet is going to make it into a giant bong. You can stick your whole head in. Talk about a long strange trip.
Well, I'm done whining for now. I'm off to embrace my birthday. Later...Brian
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