I Thought I Missed It
Yesterday I was still basking in the warm glow of the Bears win, so I barely noticed that it was "Blue Monday", the day that experts called the unhappiest day of the year. I had so many good things on my mind that I didn't give the day a second thought. "Blue Monday", like an unbalanced Glenn Close would not be ignored. Instead it hung around my front yard like striking steel worker, calling out to me and setting up a shanty town.
According to psychologists, nasty weather, unpaid Christmas bills and failed New Years resolutions all form a perfect storm of depression that make January 22 the gloomiest day of the year. I don't know if I believe that. If those are the only criteria, then gloom would hang like a cloud over me from late November until the end of June. There is something in the air today though. A residual gloominess that has draped itself over me like a wet blanket. Maybe I'm just coming down from the big win. I feel tired today. There is no sunshine, and that doesn't help matters. It could be that I'm finally feeling the effects of standing on the freezing lake front for ten hours Sunday. I also finally put all the Christmas boxes in the crawl space. That's not gloomy, but it is a pain in the ass.
The good news is that today is National Pie Day. Nothing can chase away the gloom like some tasty pie. I could take this opportunity to make some snide little joke about the other meaning for pie and how much that cheers me up too, but that seems in bad taste. Pun intended. Ha! Even on the day after the unhappiest day of the year, I can still whip up some funny. I'm not even going to go down the cherry pie road. Suddenly I don't feel quite so gloomy. I'm more hungry and well.....Pie is pie. Later...Brian
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