Rantings of the Crewcut Dad

Come enjoy the rantings of radio personality/comedian/actor/bon vivant Brian Noonan. Brian shares his unique and jaded views on family, pop culture,the suburban jungle and the world at large.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Two Of My Favorite Things

Man am I in a hurry. I just got a call from "Wife" with some great news. Tonight the World Champion White Sox are playing the Detroit Tigers. It's a match up of monumental proportion, as the thick necked spots talk guys are calling it. I had tried to get tickets for awhile but to no avail. "Wife" was crafty enough to score some tickets from someone in her office. I don't know how she did it, and I'm not sure I want to know. Why was I so jazzed about going to this game? Not only is it going to be a great game, but it's also "Elvis Night" at the "Cell".

I have heard legend about "Elvis Night". There are numerous bands around the park performing the music of the king, an appearance by the "Flying Elvises" or, "Elvi" as I call them in the plural, and best of all, thousands of the faithful dressed as the man himself. The music will be rockin', and the tailgaters will be rollin'. I can't wait. I will be in hound dog heaven. Not only do I enjoy watching the White Sox, but I'm a freak for Elvis. Most folks would be wondering what they could possibly wear to "Elvis Night", not me. I'll just run upstairs and choose between my vintage Elvis shades, or my newly purchasedElvis half- head mask. Maybe I'll take both and swap them out. The only thing that could make this night better would be to add in my third favorite thing, but "Wife" would frown on that since she isn't going to the game and the activity involves her. If only I had the jumpsuit. Man that would be cool.

Well I'm off to make a fried peanut butter and banana sandwich. Have a great weekend. Don't be cruel. Listen to Laura and I on WGN Saturday night/Sunday morning from 1-5 CST. When you get up tomorrow don't forget, "on a cold and grey Chicago morn, another baby child is born in the ghetto." TCB! Later...Brian


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