Rantings of the Crewcut Dad

Come enjoy the rantings of radio personality/comedian/actor/bon vivant Brian Noonan. Brian shares his unique and jaded views on family, pop culture,the suburban jungle and the world at large.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Why Are We Surprised?

There has been a lot of news coverage today about a picture of Katie Couric. No, unfortunately the picture has nothing to do with Katie's naughty bits being on display or her punching a kitten in the face. The picture, which was used in "Watch" magazine, a mag that is distributed at CBS stations and American Airlines flights, has been doctored, leaving Katie approximately twenty pounds lighter. Does this really shock anyone? Wait a second, television personalities may not be what they seem. Oh the horror.

The President of CBS News said he was surprised and disappointed when he heard the news. Really? He must be the only one. The only thing that really surprised me was that anyone cared. Katie came out and said she liked the old photo because their was "more of me to love." Sure you did Katie. My guess is that she saw one little bump in her pin stripe suit and lost her mind. You know as well as I do that TV is in the business of presenting beautiful people, even in the news departments. Nobody trusts fat, ugly people to give them the straight story on world events. We always figure their minds would be on something more important, like pie.

The whole entertainment industry is built on illusion. Today there was another airbrush story. This involved loud mouth lesbian Rosie O'Donnell. She claims her new picture with the rest of the clucking hens of "The View" has been airbrushed. No kidding. It's the only way they could get all of them in the frame. She also said she was letting her hair grow long so people wouldn't think she was "too gay". I don't think it's the hair cut that makes us think you're too gay. It's the fact you can't stop telling everyone that you're gay that makes us think you're gay.

Did you happen to see the Emmy's the other night. If you don't think TV is appearance driven, check out the mugs on some of the "stars". When the original Charlie's Angels came on, I thought they had the wrong women. Here's a tip, If you've had so much face work that you now look Chinese, stop. I expected Kate Jackson to have to hide her goatee her face was pulled so tight. So I say, stop acting so shocked by all the image altering in TV and the movies and start mocking it more. It's like the guys who wear the bad toupees. If you keep pretending you don't see it, they keep wearing dead animals on their heads. If you laugh at them enough, they'll shave their heads. Later...Brian


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