Let's Try This Again

I know it's cliche to ask where the time has gone, but seriously, it seems like just yesterday I was sitting in this same chair, in the same Big Dog boxers, drinking the same cold coffee writing about the end of 2007. Christmas has come and gone...again. It went well. "Wife" and "Daughter" were thrilled with their Santa/Daddy/Husband delivered loot, and even I, the "Grouch Who Bitched About Christmas" made it through the day without any problems. I loved what I was given, enjoyed the meal I cooked and was happy to spend the day with the two people in the world who I know will have to care for me in my declining years. I hope they remember the lovely meals when they have to grind my food in a blender and feed me with a spoon. How's that for a happy holiday visual?
As I sit here staring down the barrel of 2009, it would be easy to spend our time together looking back at 2008 and wondering what lie ahead. That would be easy, but I'm a lot like Tina Turner when she was getting slapped around by Ike, I don't do anything nice...and easy. I think it was the great modern philosopher Tony Soprano who said, "F*#k it, let's get rid of him." Wait, that's the wrong quote. It was "Remember-when, is the lowest form of conversation." That's the one I was looking for. Sure, 2008 had it's share of problems, high gas prices, a failing economy, an ongoing war, corrupt politicians, locusts, floods, weasels, and then there were the negatives. Ha! See what I did? Sorry, I'm trying to bring back the Catskill feel. All I need is a link with a rimshot. Hey whadda ya know? There were also some great happenings last year that gave us all hope, which in the end is all you have. It's like the old saying "whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger." There were a lot of trials and tribulations during the past year, and a lot of folks are on the ropes, but if we keep looking forward, and remembering that we're still kicking, it might all work out.
I'll be glad to see 2008 fade into the distance. This was a crazy year for me health wise and professionally, but like I said, I'm still kickin' and taunting time, fate, and the powers that be with my "it can't get any worse" attitude. I will glance back for a second because despite everything that happened this year, it all turned out OK. I've got a new and improved knee, a polyp free throat, a smooth, clean intestinal tract and a second night doing what I love on WGN. Not half bad. Add to that the health of "Wife" and "Daughter", HD DVR, and a new pair of Big Dog boxers to wear while writing next year's goodbye, and I've got myself a pretty sweet deal. Not to get to maudlin here, but I bet if you look closely, you can make your own list of good that may outshine any bad list. At least I hope you can. If not, let me know and I'll try to come up with something to buoy your spirits.
My best friend John likes to use New Years Eve as a time of reflection and planning. That sounds like a lot of work, but he seems to enjoy it. I've been doing the same and will continue to do so for the next few days, or until I get bored, drunk or both. I have some plans for 2009, but I think that for once I'm going to keep them to myself. Don't feel snubbed, I just think that it will be better to spring said plans on the world, rather than make a bold proclamation when I'm feeling sentimental and then regretting it in June when things have changed course. I have a feeling that 2009 will bring exciting things for all of us here at the Noonan compound and I hope the same is true for you.
No big plans for tonight. Since I stopped going on the road for comedy, New Years Eves have been pretty quiet, and that's how I like it. For years, I was people's entertainment, now I'm content to let Ryan Seacrest, Dick Clark and the insufferable Carson Daley carry the load. Tonight will be made up of sushi, Sapporo and hopefully a little bit of another "s" word, but that will depend on the amount of Sapporo that gets consumed.
It's customary for me to end the year by thanking people who have supported me and been a help during the last twelve months. There are many, and if you think you might be a member of that group, you probably are, so thank you. Thanks too, to all the people who listen, call and write the shows on WGN. I really do appreciate your support and though it sounds like empty sentiment, it isn't. With that in mind, if you're up early Friday morning making sure your computer didn't crash, hanging your new ca lander on the refrigerator, or taking stock of your life and readying yourself for another year, I'll be sitting in for Steve and Johnnie from 2-5 am, then it's the two big WGN Overnight shows on Saturday and Sunday mornings.
That's it for this year. I hope you'll check back here next year, because I'm sure I'll have things to say, and you'll have a need for whacked out opinions. Until then, I wish you all a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year! Have a fantastic weekend! Later....Brian
I'll be glad to see 2008 fade into the distance. This was a crazy year for me health wise and professionally, but like I said, I'm still kickin' and taunting time, fate, and the powers that be with my "it can't get any worse" attitude. I will glance back for a second because despite everything that happened this year, it all turned out OK. I've got a new and improved knee, a polyp free throat, a smooth, clean intestinal tract and a second night doing what I love on WGN. Not half bad. Add to that the health of "Wife" and "Daughter", HD DVR, and a new pair of Big Dog boxers to wear while writing next year's goodbye, and I've got myself a pretty sweet deal. Not to get to maudlin here, but I bet if you look closely, you can make your own list of good that may outshine any bad list. At least I hope you can. If not, let me know and I'll try to come up with something to buoy your spirits.
My best friend John likes to use New Years Eve as a time of reflection and planning. That sounds like a lot of work, but he seems to enjoy it. I've been doing the same and will continue to do so for the next few days, or until I get bored, drunk or both. I have some plans for 2009, but I think that for once I'm going to keep them to myself. Don't feel snubbed, I just think that it will be better to spring said plans on the world, rather than make a bold proclamation when I'm feeling sentimental and then regretting it in June when things have changed course. I have a feeling that 2009 will bring exciting things for all of us here at the Noonan compound and I hope the same is true for you.
No big plans for tonight. Since I stopped going on the road for comedy, New Years Eves have been pretty quiet, and that's how I like it. For years, I was people's entertainment, now I'm content to let Ryan Seacrest, Dick Clark and the insufferable Carson Daley carry the load. Tonight will be made up of sushi, Sapporo and hopefully a little bit of another "s" word, but that will depend on the amount of Sapporo that gets consumed.
It's customary for me to end the year by thanking people who have supported me and been a help during the last twelve months. There are many, and if you think you might be a member of that group, you probably are, so thank you. Thanks too, to all the people who listen, call and write the shows on WGN. I really do appreciate your support and though it sounds like empty sentiment, it isn't. With that in mind, if you're up early Friday morning making sure your computer didn't crash, hanging your new ca lander on the refrigerator, or taking stock of your life and readying yourself for another year, I'll be sitting in for Steve and Johnnie from 2-5 am, then it's the two big WGN Overnight shows on Saturday and Sunday mornings.
That's it for this year. I hope you'll check back here next year, because I'm sure I'll have things to say, and you'll have a need for whacked out opinions. Until then, I wish you all a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year! Have a fantastic weekend! Later....Brian
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