Let The Change Begin

Happy New Year! Sure, I know it's January 20, but things have been a little crazy around here. I'm about to plant myself in front of the TV for a few hours and let history and democracy wash over me, so I'll make this quick.
I'm excited to watch the Inaugural proceedings today. I'm recording it so "Daughter" can watch it after school. Yes, I'm excited because my candidate won, because of the historical significance of this President and the fact that I might get to see elephants in a parade or Beyonce in gravity defying heels, but there's more. The fact that the leadership and power in this country will be changing in a few hours and there will be no problems. One leader steps aside and a new leader takes his place. Ugly things were said during the campaign, ugly things are still being said by people either too stubborn, stupid or scared to keep an open mind, but in the end, the transition of power will be seamless. that's pretty exciting.
While President Bush and President-elect Obama are being driven to the swearing in, teams of movers, White House ushers and singing mice will be transforming the White House from the Bush residence to the Obama crib. The only military actions in the process (hopefully) will be the precision with which the change takes place. How great would it be if all our moves went as smoothly. Imagine moving into your new place and having all your stuff in it's place already. No scrounging through boxes trying to find your blow dryer or the remote for the DVD player. No looking for the box marked "bedroom" so you can have clean underwear for your first day at the new job. If nothing else, that should make you appreciate what a great country we live in.
hey look at the time. I've got to hurry if I'm going to have my "Obamatini" ready for kickoff. It does feel like Super Bowl Sunday, except for the fact that no one is paying attention to the commercials. No, this time we actually care about the outcome. I'm hopeful, cautiously optimistic and realistic. The country is going through some rough times. It's easy to blame the guy who's leaving. It all happened on his watch, but we have to be careful to not place unrealistic expectations on the new guy. He'll do the best he can with the tools at his disposal, but as he's said himself it's not going to be easy. To the people who are so filled with hate that they don't even want to give Obama a chance, I say, I hope you're never judged on your performance before you start a job.
The change is beginning already. Instead of just being on WGN this weekend, I'll be on most of the week. Wednesday morning from 2-5 I'll be in for Steve and Johnnie. I'm also covering for them Wednesday and Thursday nights from 11 pm to 5 am. No show Friday into Saturday (management decision) but I'll be back on Saturday night/ Sunday morning for WGN Overnight. If you can't keep that straight, just turn your radio on now and leave it alone. You'll hear me eventually. I have to go put on my inauguration suit. Later...Brian
I hope you keep your blog going, some writers let the postings become fewer and fewer and then the blogging ends . . . I just read it for the first time today, very good.
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