Good Friday...Says Who?
Today is Good Friday, the day that Christians the world over remember the crucifixion of Jesus. It is supposed to be a day of fasting and prayer, especially between the hours of noon and three which is when the Bible tells us Jesus died. I guess that's the case with a lot of people, but for another chunck of society, it's just an excuse to leave work early and get a jump on hiding your eggs.
Even as a kid, I never understood why they called it Good Friday. I'm no theologian, but hanging on a cross doesn't seem like a good way to kick off the weekend. I bet no one asked Jesus if Good Friday was a fitting monicker. I would imagine He would have called it "Geez Dad, are you sure this is really necessary Friday", or "you guys lied, I can't see my house from up here Friday", or "just remember, payback is a bitch Friday". Right now, zealots are probably lining up to burn me at the stake, but I figure if God hadn't wanted me to make jokes, He wouldn't have given me this wicked sense of humor.
I also don't understand how chocolate bunnies and hiding eggs became associated with Easter. I guess it's because of the whole "season of renewal" thing. I'll tell you something, if I ever rise from the dead, I want to be remembered in a more fitting way than people gorging themselves into a coma on marshmallow Peeps. Even if I manage to raise myself from the bed on time, I want a little more fanfare.
Well I'm off to therapy, and while I'm sure the pain is a hundred times less than crucifixion, I'll suffer none the less. Happy Easter, Passover or whatever you pick. Have a great weekend. Later...Brian
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